How to Clean and Care for Leather Upholstery

How to Clean and Care for Leather Upholstery

25 August, 2023   |   Famous Cleaning

Leather upholstery is a popular choice for furniture because it is durable, stylish, and easy to care for. However, even leather furniture can get dirty and stained over time. Here are some tips on how to clean and care for your leather upholstery so that it stays looking its best for years to come.

How to Clean Leather Upholstery

  • Dust regularly. The best way to prevent dirt and dust from building up on your leather upholstery is to dust it regularly with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Wipe up spills immediately. If a spill occurs, blot it up as quickly as possible with a clean, damp cloth. Do not rub, as this could damage the leather.
  • Clean with a mild soap and water solution. If the spill is more serious, you can clean it with a mild soap and water solution. Mix one part mild soap with two parts water and apply it to the stain with a soft cloth. Blot up the excess liquid with a clean cloth and dry the area completely.
  • Use a leather cleaner. If the stain is still visible, you can use a commercial leather cleaner. Follow the instructions on the product label carefully.

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How to Care for Leather Upholstery

  • Condition the leather regularly. Conditioning the leather will help to keep it soft and supple and prevent it from drying out and cracking. Use a leather conditioner designed for the type of leather you have.
  • Avoid exposing the leather to direct sunlight or heat. Direct sunlight and heat can damage the leather and cause it to fade or crack.
  • Keep the leather clean and dry. Dirt and dust can build up on the leather and cause it to look dull. Wipe down the leather regularly with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals on the leather. Harsh chemicals can damage the leather.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Company

If you are not comfortable cleaning your leather upholstery yourself, you can hire a professional cleaning company in Adelaide, Australia. They will have the experience and expertise to clean your furniture properly and protect the leather.


By following these tips, you can keep your leather upholstery looking its best for years to come. With proper care, leather furniture can last for many years and provide you with years of enjoyment.

Here are some additional tips for hiring a professional cleaning company in Adelaide:

  • Get quotes from several companies before making a decision.
  • Ask about the company's experience cleaning leather furniture.
  • Make sure the company uses non-toxic cleaning products.
  • Get everything in writing, including the price, the scope of work, and the guarantee.

By following these tips, you can be sure to find a professional cleaning company in Adelaide that will do a great job cleaning your leather upholstery.

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